FREE Speech Therapy to-do list
I’m a list maker. I’ve got sticky notes everywhere and I love checking things off my to-do list. Here is a free one I thought I’d share with you. One you can print and use anytime, another is one to use before holidays and/or summer break.
Returning after a holiday break can be tough! There is nothing crazier than the week before Christmas break (Thanksgiving, Easter …)- we all want to leave. However, returning in January can make us regret leaving with things left “undone.” A few years ago, I started leaving myself a list on my desk of where things left off. Meetings I needed to schedule, evals to write, things to copy, activities to prep. BEST DECISION EVER. It really makes the first day back easier!
You can download the Speech Therapy to-do list below.
Also included is one you can use anytime.
Just print it off as needed or print and keep in a clear acrylic frame to use with a dry erase marker.
If you’d like to print it off, just enter your email below (for best deliverability, use a personal email and not a school email)
I hope you find the Speech Therapy To-Do List helpful!
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