
Speech Therapy To-Do List

Speech Therapy free to-do list

FREE Speech Therapy to-do list

I’m a list maker. I’ve got sticky notes everywhere and I love checking things off my to-do list. Here is a free one I thought I’d share with you. One you can print and use anytime, another is one to use before holidays and/or summer break.

Returning after a holiday break can be tough! There is nothing crazier than the week before Christmas break (Thanksgiving, Easter …)- we all want to leave. However, returning in January can make us regret leaving with things left “undone.” A few years ago, I started leaving myself a list on my desk of where things left off. Meetings I needed to schedule, evals to write, things to copy, activities to prep. BEST DECISION EVER. It really makes the first day back easier!

FREE SLP to do list for easy planning in Speech Therapy

You can download the Speech Therapy to-do list below.

Also included is one you can use anytime.

Just print it off as needed or print and keep in a clear acrylic frame to use with a dry erase marker.

Speech Therapy free to-do list

If you’d like to print it off, just enter your email below (for best deliverability, use a personal email and not a school email)

I hope you find the Speech Therapy To-Do List helpful!


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