speech and language teaching concepts for What The Dinosaurs Did At School in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/d/ initial
/n/ medial
/s/ medial
/or/ medial
/z/ final


back to school

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Early Childhood, Elementary

What The Dinosaurs Did At School

By Refe Tuma

In the follow-up to the hit What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night, these scampish dinosaurs make the trip to school, hidden in a kid’s backpack. Each scene is photographed in meticulous detail, letting viewers joyfully suspend disbelief and think to themselves–just LOOK at what these diminutive dinos did at school!

This mischievous dinosaur and back to school book can be used in speech therapy to target describing, predicting and is great for noticing illustrations. Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using What The Dinosaurs Did At School in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

action sequence

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study
verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)
text features


underestimate, red handed, racket, invisible, mischief, extinct


verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)

Text Features:

enlarged text


What do you think the dinosaurs are doing?
Where will they do at school?
What do you think that sound is?
What will happen when the librarian finds them in the library?
What will happen if the gym teacher finds them?
What will they do in the janitor’s closet?
What will happen in the cafeteria?
What will happen in the science lab?
What will they do in the drawer of no return?
Do you think they will stay in there?

If you are interested in seeing other dinosaur and back to school books to use in therapy, then check out the Themed Key Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.