using Outside Your Window in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/s/ initial
/f/ initial



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Early Childhood, Elementary, Late Elementary

Outside Your Window

By Nicola Davies

The buzz of bees in summertime. The tracks of a bird in the winter snow. This beautiful book captures all the sights and sounds of a child’s interactions with nature, from planting acorns or biting into crisp apples to studying tide pools or lying back and watching the birds overhead. No matter what’s outside their windows — city streets or country meadows — kids will be inspired to explore the world around them. Written by award-winning author Nicola Davies and illustrated by Mark Hearld, a breathtaking new talent in children’s books, Outside Your Window is a stunning reminder that the natural world is on our doorstep waiting to be discovered.

This informative spring book can be used in speech therapy for describing with adjectives and verbs. It is also great for noticing illustrations and for targeting /s/ and /f/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Outside Your Window in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

descriptive sequence

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study
verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)


migration, nesting, flower, nectar, honey, caterpillar, butterfly, chrysalis, moth, bulbs, dandelions, seagulls, lamb, cherry blossoms, rainbow, compost


verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)

If you are interested in seeing other spring books to use in therapy, then check out the Seasonal Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.