speech and language teaching concepts for My Lucky Day in speech therapy​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/p/ initial
/gl/ medial (piglet)
/l/ medial (piglet)
/f/ initial
/ks/ final


theory of mind

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary

My Lucky Day

By Keiko Kasza

When a delicious-looking piglet knocks on Mr. Fox’s door “accidentally,” the fox can hardly believe his good luck. It’s not every day that dinner just shows up on your doorstep. It must be his lucky day! Or is it? Before Mr. Fox can say grace, the piglet has manipulated him into giving him a fabulously tasty meal, the full spa treatment (with bath and massage), and . . . freedom. In a funny trickster tale of her own, Kasza keeps readers guessing until the surprise ending when they’ll realize it was piglet’s lucky day all along.

This clever, inferencing and predicting filled book can be used in speech therapy to address the concept of playing a trick on someone. It is also great for noticing character expressions, taking perspective and for targeting linguistic verbs! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using My Lucky Day in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode

Narrative Concepts:

verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (linguistic)
text features


order of events that leads piglet to having the best day


luck, trick, prepare, polish, startled, hauled, squeal, useless, struggle, sigh, filthy, stall, tender, prefer, exhausted, wonder

Character Analysis:

Fox- proud, which contributes him to only wanting the best and blinds him from Piglet’s deceit.
Piglet- clever and brave to trick a predator to get the royal treatment.


verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (linguistic)

Text Features:

question marks
exclamation marks


How do you think fox will get some food?
Notice the book and pictures on the wall. What can you infer about fox?
Why are his eyebrows so raised?
Why did they come knocking on fox’s door?
What are they both thinking and feeling when they open the door? How do you know?
Do you think piglet cares if he is clean before he gets eaten for dinner?
Why do you think he said that to fox?
Why is piglet being so nice to fox?
Why do you think piglet wants fox to fatten them up?
Why does piglet make him think about something else each time?
How does piglet feel each time during the bath, dinner and massage?
How does fox feel doing these tasks? How do you know?
What will piglet think as he heads home?
Why did he say it was his lucky day?
Why did piglet go to fox’s house looking for rabbit?


Who do you think is at the door?
Who do you think is looking for rabbit?
What do you think fox will do with piglet?
What do you think piglet will do when fox goes out to get twigs for the bath?
What do you think piglet’s plan is?
What do you think he will feed piglet?
What do you think will happen to fox after doing all of this hard work?
What do you think piglet will do next time at bear’s house?