speech and language teaching concepts for MunchA! MuncHa! MuNcha! in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/m/ initial
/ch/ medial
/g/ initial
/ar/ medial
/k/ initial



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Early Childhood, Elementary

MunchA! MuncHa! MuNcha!

By Candace Fleming

Tippy, tippy, tippy, Pat!
That’s the sound three hungry bunnies make when the sun goes down and the moon comes up and Mr. McGreely’s garden smells yum, yum, yummy. While he’s dreaming of his mouth-watering carrots, the bunnies are diving over fences and swimming trenches to get the veggies first!
Hammer, hammer, hammer, Saw!
That’s the sound Mr. McGreely makes when the sun comes up and the moon goes down and he sees what those twitch-whiskers have done….Nibbled leaves! Empty stalks! Mr. McGreely will build something bigger and better, sure to keep even pesky puff-tails away.
Children will cheer for the bunnies — or for Mr. McGreely — as they delight in Candace Fleming’s clever sound effects and G. Brian Karas’s vibrant, funny illustrations.

This funny Spring book can be used in speech therapy to target predicting and problem solving. It is also great for addressing sequencing and figurative language. Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using MunchA! MuncHa! MuNcha! in speech therapy below: 


Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode

Narrative Concepts:

problem solving
character analysis
illustration study
figurative language
repetitive text
prepositional phrases
verbs (regular and irregular past tense)


order of what Mr. McGreely did to protect his garden


dreamed, garden, vegetable, plant, sowed, fence, hurdle, angry, furious

Character Analysis:

Mr. McGreely tries to keep the bunnies away from his garden by building different barriers. It makes him angry that he can’t keep them away.

Figurative Language:



verbs (irregular and regular past tense)
prepositional phrases

Text Features:

repetitive text


What will Mr. McGreely plant in his garden?
How will Mr. McGreely feel when he sees the bunnies eating his vegetables?
How will Mr. McGreely keep the bunnies out of his garden?
Will the bunnies be able to get through the fence or over the wall?
How will the bunnies get through each structure Mr. McGreely made?
What will Mr. McGreely do in the end to keep the bunnies away?
Will the bunnies be able to get through the last enormous thing Mr. McGreely built?


Problem Solving:

Mr. McGreely figures out ways to try to keep the bunnies out.
The bunnies figure out ways to get into Mr. McGreely’s garden.

If you are interested in seeing other Spring books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.