speech and language teaching concepts for Looking at Lincoln in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/br/ medial
/l/ initial



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary

Looking at Lincoln

By Maira Kalman

Who was Lincoln really? This little girl wants to find out. She discovers, among other things, that our sixteenth president was a man who believed in freedom for all, had a dog named Fido, loved Mozart, apples, and his wife’s vanilla cake, and kept his notes in his hat. From his boyhood in a log cabin to his famous presidency and untimely death, Maira Kalman shares Lincoln’s remarkable life with young readers in a fresh and exciting way.

This informative patriotic/America book can be used in speech therapy to address character analysis and inferencing. It is also great for noticing illustrations and for targeting /br/ and /l/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Looking at Lincoln in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

descriptive sequence​

Narrative Concepts:

character analysis​
illustration study​
verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (mental state)
text features​


Lincoln, Washington, unusual, Kentucky, stern, curious, argue, reputation, inaugurated, elected, democracy, founders, Declaration, Constitution, justice, liberty, slave, Emancipation Proclamation, malice, charity

Character Analysis:

President Lincoln was a determined dreamer who fought for injustice, liberty and the end of slavery.


verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (mental state)

Text Features:

enlarged text
change in font
change in text color


Why do you think the man reminded her of Abraham Lincoln?
Why do you think she said she could look at him forever?
Why do you think he liked to read so much?
What did people think about him if they called him Honest Abe?
What do you think he was thinking about?
What can you infer about his personality based on his actions?
Why do you think someone wanted him dead?
How did people feel about his death?
What did they think about him being gone?

If you are interested in seeing other patriotic/America books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.