using Last Day Blues in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/ar/ medial
/f/ initial
/l/ initial and final
/sk/ initial
/fr/ initial
/s/ initial
/er/ final


missing someone
gift giving

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary

Last Day Blues

By Julie Danneberg

Fans of First Day Jitters will love spending the last day of school in Mrs. Hartwell classroom. What do teachers do for summer vacation? Mrs. Hartwell’s students worry that their teacher will miss them while they are gone for the summer. The class comes up with a way to make sure Mrs. Hartwell won’t be too sad. But Mrs. Hartwell and the other teachers have some plans of their own. Once again Julie Danneberg and Judy Love bring to life the crazy antics of Mrs. Hartwell and her class and show that teachers and students are more alike than we sometimes think.

This heartfelt summer book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like having mixed feelings about the last day of school. It is also great for noticing character expressions and for targeting predicting as well as for targeting present progressive verbs! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Last Day Blues in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

action sequence

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study
verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)


order of events that leads to the students big surprise for Mrs. Hartwell and summer break


blue, cheer, agree, assure, miss, privacy, break, vacation


The students want to make Mrs. Hartwell feel better about the last day of school. The students also talk about having mixed emotions about the last day of school. Their perspective of Mrs. Hartwell’s summer is also very different than reality!

facial expressions

Figurative Language:

metaphor of having the “blues”


verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)


How did Mrs. Hartwell and the students feel about the last day of school?
Why do you think Mrs. Hartwell put on her safety goggles?
Why do you think Andy said he doesn’t know if he should be happy or sad today?
How do you think Mrs. Hartwell feels when they ask for some privacy?
How does Mrs. Hartwell feel about her surprise?
Why did the students think that was a good gift?
How do you think teachers feel about the last day of school? Do you think the students feel the same way?


What do you think would make a good present for Mrs. Hartwell?
What do you think Mrs. Hartwell will do over the summer?
What do you think they will do to cheer her up?
What do you think Mrs. Hartwell will do when the bell rings?

If you are interested in seeing other summer books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.