Dive into this playful poem about the draw of the shore and the effect the ocean has on all five senses. Relive a day at the beach with this lovely book of memories. You can almost feel the salt spray on your face and smell the musky scent of ocean in the cool morning air. Remember how the sand squishes between your toes as the tide rushes to shore and taste the tang of the ocean on your lips. Spirited language evokes a sense of closeness and nostalgia for an old friend. The inspiration of the ocean will make learning the five senses as easy as a day at the beach. Crisp, realistic illustrations fill the pages with the rush of surf and the warmth of sun-baked sand.
This vivid, rhyming ocean book can be used in speech therapy to address figurative language. It is also great for describing and for targeting /sh/, /s/ blends, and /s/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Hello Ocean in speech therapy below: