speech and language teaching concepts for Duck on a Bike in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

initial /d/
final /k/
initial /b/



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Early Childhood, Elementary

Duck on a Bike

By David Shannon

One day down on the farm, Duck got a wild idea. “I bet I could ride a bike,” he thought. He waddled over to where the boy parked his bike, climbed on, and began to ride. At first he rode slowly and he wobbled a lot, but it was fun! Duck rode past Cow and waved to her. “Hello, Cow!” said Duck. “Moo,” said Cow. But what she thought was, “A duck on a bike? That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever seen!” And so Duck rides past Sheep, Horse, and all the other barnyard animals. Suddenly, a group of kids ride by on their bikes and run into the farmhouse, leaving the bikes outside. Now ALL the animals can ride bikes, just like Duck!

This fun farm book can be used in speech therapy to address sequencing, inferencing, and predicting. It is also great for noticing character expressions and for targeting regular and irregular past tense verbs, as well as mental state verbs! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Duck on a Bike in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study​
verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (irregular past tense)
verbs (mental state)
repetitive text​


order of animals that Duck passes


verbs (regular past tense)
verbs (irregular past tense)
verbs (mental state)

Text Features:

repetitive text


Why do you think Duck wants to ride a bike?
How does he feel at first on the bike?
What do you think Cow is thinking when she sees Duck?
How does Sheep feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Sheep is thinking when she sees Duck? How do you know?
How is Duck’s riding changing?
How does Dog feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Dog is thinking? How do you know?
How does Cat feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Cat is thinking? How do you know?
How does Horse feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Horse is thinking? How do you know?
How does Chicken feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Chicken is thinking? How do you know?
How does Goat feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Goat is thinking? How do you know?
How is Duck’s riding changing?
How do Pig and Pig feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Pig and Pig are thinking? How do you know?
How does Goat feel about Duck on the bike?
What do you think Goat is thinking? How do you know?
What are they all thinking about the bikes?
What did they think at the end?


Who do you think Duck will see on his ride?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Sheep will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Dog will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Cat will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Horse will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Chicken will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Goat will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Pig and Pig will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think the Mouse will say to him?
Who do you think he will see next?
What do you think will happen when the animals see the bikes?

If you are interested in seeing other farm books to use in therapy, then check out the Themed Key Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.