using Come On, Rain! in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/r/ initial
/s/ blends (slicking, splash, squeal, stream, skim)



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary

Come On, Rain!

By Karen Hesse

“Come on, rain!” Tess pleads to the sky as listless vines and parched plants droop in the endless heat. Up and down the block, cats pant while heat wavers off tar patches in the broiling alleyway. More than anything, Tess hopes for rain. And when it comes, she and her friends are ready for a surprising joyous celebration.

This thirst quenching summer and weather book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like the effects of drought. It is also great for targeting inferencing, figurative language, linguistic verbs, and adjectives as well as for targeting /r/ and /s/ blend sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Come On, Rain! in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete epsiode

Narrative Concepts:

character analysis
figurative language
verbs (linguistic)


listless, vine, parched, drought, lupines, tend, murmur, sway, squeal, racket, skim, tromping, romping, reeling, soothed, dew

Character Analysis:

Mamma and her daughter are hot and tired from the drought. The daughter takes care of Mamma when it’s too hot to function. Finally when it starts raining, Mamma and her daughter are able to reset and wash away their despair and celebrate together.


Mamma and her daughter are affected by the drought physically, emotionally, and economically as their plants can’t grow.

Figurative Language:

similes (I am sizzling like a hot potato, streaks like night lightning, fresh as dew, Her long legs, like two brown string beans)
personification (A creeper of hope circles ‘round my bones, smell of hot tar and garbage bullies the air, swollen sky)


verbs (linguistic)


How does Mamma feel about her vines and the drought?
How does Mamma feel about the heat?
How does the narrator feel about the rain coming?
What are they thinking once it finally rains?
How do they feel if it says “the rain has made us new”?

If you are interested in seeing other summer and weather books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.