speech and language teaching concepts for Bailey Goes Camping in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/b/ initial
/l/ medial
/k/ initial



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Early Childhood

Bailey Goes Camping

By Kevin Henkes

Going camping sounds great to Bailey. But he’s too young to join his Bunny Scout brother and sister—so Mama and Papa show him him to camp right at home. Kids stuck at home for whatever reason will relate to Bailey, and parents will smile at the successful improvised solution created by his loving parents.

This sweet camping book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like not getting what you want and coming up with creative solutions. It is also great for noticing character expressions and for targeting predicting as well as for /b/, /l/, and /k/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Bailey Goes Camping in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode

Narrative Concepts:

verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)
text features


Bailey learns that sometimes big kids get to do different things but when you get creative to make accommodations and compromise, everyone can be happy.


verbs (action)
verbs (present progressive)

Text Features:



Why do you think Bailey had to stay home?
How did Bailey feel about being too little to go camping?
Why did he think it wasn’t fair?
How did Bailey and his dad feel when Mama said they could do all those things at home?
How did Bailey feel at the end of the day?


What do you think they will do while camping?
What do you think Bailey will do at home?
What do you think Bailey will say when his parents come up with other things to do?
What do you think Mama will tell Bailey when he says all the things he could do at camp?
How do you think they will do all of those things at home?