speech and language teaching concepts for Apple Picking Time in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/k/ medial
/t/ initial and final
/p/ initial and medial
/f/ initial and final
/l/ final


hard work

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary

Apple Picking Time

By Michele B. Slawson

In the rich, warm colors of autumn, here’s a slice of American history as we watch Anna and her extended family help with the town’s traditional fall apple harvest.

This hard working apples book can be used in speech therapy to address themes of working hard, helping your family and money. It is also great for describing as well as for targeting complex sentence structures! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Apple Picking Time in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode

Narrative Concepts:

verbs (action)
complex sentence structure 


valley, convent, orchard, foreman, procession


verbs (action)
complex sentence structure 


Why do you think everyone makes apple picking their priority?
Why do you think they go out before everything else is awake?
Why do you think they get half moons?
How does she feel after lunch when she knows she doesn’t have any half moons yet?
How does she feel when she gets the half moon on her ticket?
How do others feel when she gets the half moon on her ticket?
Why do you think getting the cash from the ticket was so important?

If you are interested in seeing other apple-themed books to use in therapy, then check out the Themed Narrative Key Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.