speech and language teaching concepts for The Name Jar in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/n/ initial and medial
/k/ initial
/r/ medial and final


back to school

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary

The Name Jar

By Yangsook Choi

Being the new kid in school is hard enough, but what happens when nobody can pronounce your name? Having just moved from Korea, Unhei is anxious about fitting in. So instead of introducing herself on the first day of school, she decides to choose an American name from a glass jar. But while Unhei thinks of being a Suzy, Laura, or Amanda, nothing feels right. With the help of a new friend, Unhei will learn that the best name is her own. From acclaimed creator Yangsook Choi comes the bestselling classic about finding the courage to be yourself and being proud of your background.

This heartwarming back to school book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like acceptance. It is also great for predicting and for targeting character analysis as well as for /n/, /k/ and /r/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using The Name Jar in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

complete episode​

Narrative Concepts:

character analysis
verbs (linguistic)
text features​


nervous, excited, scrunching, blush, relieved, broad, curious, kimchi, grace, gleamed, souvenir, grin, Chinku, Unhei

Character Analysis:

Unhei is worried about going to her new school and making friends. When she is on the bus she realizes that her name is hard to say and tries to find a new name that others won’t tease her for. In the end, she comes to appreciate her Korean name and finds that her classmates like the meaning in it as well.


Unhei is nervous about being accepted and fitting in to her new school. In the end, she learns to love her Korean name and teaches her classmates to appreciate it as well.


verbs (linguistic)

Text Features:



Why do you think they had to leave her grandma at the airport in Korea?
Why do you think Unhei blushed as she ran off the bus?
Why do you think she was relieved when the kids from the bus went to other rooms?
Why do you think she wants to pick a new name?
How do you think she feels telling her mom she wants a new name? How did her mom feel?
How did they feel when they went to the Korean store?
What does Unhei think about the letter and her wooden stamp as she stands in front of the mirror?
Why do you think Joey was at the store?
Why do you think Joey took the jar?
How did Unhei feel about her name in the end?


Where do you think they are if they left her grandmother in Korea?
What do you think the wooden block with her name in it is?
What do you think her first day of school will be like?
How do you think school in Korea is different than school in America?
What name do you think she will pick?
Where do you think the name jar is?
What name do you think she will pick?

If you are interested in seeing other back to school books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.