speech and language teaching concepts for Spiders in speech therapy​ ​
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/sp/ initial
/d/ medial
/er/ medial and final
/z/ final



Book Details:
Diverse Characters: N/A
Age Recommendation: Elementary, Late Elementary


By Gail Gibbons

Weaving webs, digging burrows, and floating on strands of silk—spiders are fascinating creatures! From tiny baby spiderlings to large tarantulas, nonfiction master Gail Gibbons’ introduction to these intriguing arachnids reminds us that even when they look scary, most spiders are harmless—and even helpful! There are over thirty thousand kinds of spiders in the world—small and large, colorful or gray—and they live, hunt, and adapt in different ways. A number of different species and spider behaviors are highlighted in this book, accompanied by clear, labeled illustrations and important vocabulary. This new and updated edition, vetted by an entomologist, includes revised illustrations and the latest in arachnid science. Filled with interesting trivia and information on the history of spiders, as well as an explanation of the difference between spiders and insects, this is a great introduction that takes the fear out of our eight-legged, web-spinning friends.

This informative spiders and bugs book can be used in speech therapy to target vocabulary including different types of spiders and their body parts, describing, and comparing/contrasting. It is also great for noticing illustrations and for targeting /sp/, /d/, /er/ and /z/ sounds! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Spiders in speech therapy below:

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

descriptive sequence

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study
verbs (action)
verbs (present tense)
text features


different types of spiders, speck, roam, arachnids, Greek, legend, parts of a spider’s body, insect, silk, molting, burrow

Figurative Language:

similes (as big as a dinner plate)


verbs (action)
verbs (present tense)
compare/contrast spiders and insects, and different types of spiders

Text Features:


If you are interested in seeing other spiders books to use in therapy, then check out the Themed Key Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.