using Love is in speech therapy
Frequent Speech Sounds:

/l/ initial
/v/ final
/z/ final


Valentine’s Day
caring for someone

Book Details:
Diverse Characters: Yes
Age Recommendation: Elementary

Love is

By Diane Adams

Perfect for any fond gift or tender moment, this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned.

This sweet Valentine’s Day book can be used in speech therapy to address social/emotional issues like the many feelings and actions associated with love. It is also great for noticing character expressions and for targeting inferencing as well as for verbs (present progressive)! Discover more of the speech and language teaching concepts for using Love is in speech therapy below: 

Key Teaching Concepts

Narrative Structure:

descriptive sequence

Narrative Concepts:

illustration study
verbs (present progressive)
repetitive text


fragile, downy, peeping, tidying, settling, familiar, muscles, sensing, nudging, struggle, coaxing, nature, reminiscing, ducklings, instant


facial expressions
the many feelings and actions associated with love


verbs (present progressive)

Text Features:

repetitive text


How does she feel about the duckling on each page?
What does she think love is?
How does the duckling feel towards the girl?
Why does she make the duckling travel on?
How do they feel at the end?

If you are interested in seeing other Valentine’s Day books to use in therapy, then check out the Narrative Teaching Points Book List for a printable copy.